Knowledge is power.
For 9g class students

Ангилал: open and dare to do it.

You are about demonstrate you have learned and who you are8 what you can do with yous English.
So we have planned to prepare portfolios for given topics which are familiar to us.
Each of you given a topic.
What should you include in your
        1. Topic and catalogue what you have included in it.
        2.  Vocabulary related with the topic
        3. What grammar points will be covered
        4. What illustrations will be used to demonstrate the topic? They can be pictures, cards, crosswords, texts, etc.
        5. How do check understanding your topic?
        6. Write reflection how did you work on the topic: what was difficult, interesting, what you learned,what were advantages and disadvantages of your work.

    Note: If you have a question please ask me and Naranbat at any time. We will be available at any time and ready to help you as well.


Learning is our sputnik.

Сүүлийн бичлэгүүд

. Anne Frank
. Reported speech exercise
. Direct and reported speech
. 11 i grade students assingment: Suffixes and prefix amke wors mean differently. So I'm giving you the task. Look at pp 10-11 and do all tasks in tables
. To 11a and 11 v students
. New way of communication
. a drop into the ocean
. (гарчиггүй)
. Read the story and do the tasks
. What will you do in summer?
. How to prepare for General Entrance Exams.
. English pronunciation
. (гарчиггүй)


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