Knowledge is power.
Advice how to learn and plan our work

Ангилал: useful information

Dear our students,

It often happens that we feel annoyed and bored with huge homework and assignments at school. Some students just do not know from what they should start and how get to managed with them. So they just quit them even though they feel disgusting.
Are there any other ideas to deal with the homework?
Of course, there are some ways to do them on time not cheating from others. You know how bad is to cheat from others. So, let's read the following advice and try together to get through the difficulties we face.

  • Arrange your homework from most difficult to easier one. Then you should choose the easiest one and do it in no time.
  • Then you should sort it by its deadline8 which homework is closer to had to teacher. If Math homework is due to Thursday you should do it before other homework later than Thursday.    
  • Since you have done all easier one now you have time to work on the difficult tasks, of course you don't understand and hate the subject you need to show patience and diligence. Don't give up and since you have time please ask your classmates to explain you and ask your teacher how to do it.
  • I know there is no teacher who is reluctant if a student shows interest in their class and asks questions they will answer your questions with much pleasure.  So without any doubt ask your teacher.
  • Then you need to plan your work. Every day you need to complete  homework tasks. Don't watch meager programs on TV just turn it off and grasp your homework. Also, make sure that your cell phone is better to be shut down if you are a heavy message writer or music listener. 
  • Promise yourself that you can do it! Don't give up.
  • Don't waste time being sluggish. Even you can use break time as well.
  • Finally be confident. You are the only person who can help you!!!!

Learning is our sputnik.

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